What You Want to See Downtown

We’ve had a pin board out at various events and markets across the Central City where you can tell us what you want to see downtown. Downtown Sacramento is a neighborhood for everyone who lives and loves this city. As the not-for-profit organization dedicated to making downtown thrive, we wanted to hear from the people downtown serves.
Here are some of the answers to “What do you want to see downtown?”
More Events

The majority of our answers were calls for more events, especially music related events. Luckily, we are entering our large festival season with Aftershock and Golden Sky coming up and the Farm to Fork and Holo Holo festivals having just passed.
See some upcoming events nearby here:
Outdoor Movies

Another event-related, frequent answer was outdoor movies! As a reminder, we host Halloween-themed outdoor movie nights every Thursday in October. We still have tickets available for Monster House and Twilight.
Movies Under The Stars
Bike-Friendly Streets

Transportation was another hot answer to our pin board question. People specifically called for more bike-friendly infrastructure. This is something we continue to work towards achieving for downtown. We advocated for the recently completed conversion of 5th Street where bike lanes were added to both sides of the road.
More Affordable Housing

We are strong advocates for adding more housing to the downtown core, and we recently released a Livability Strategy outlining ways that we should approach residential growth. There are a few exciting affordable housing projects that have been recently completed or are currently in the making including Monarch, The Hardin, and The 7th & H Housing Community. If you’re interested in exploring more residential projects, you can do so on our Development Map.
Services for the Unhoused

Homelessness is a complicated issue with all of the different pressures that can lead to a person becoming unhoused. We do what we can to help by having two Downtown Resource Coordinators, who are out daily assisting the unhoused and connecting people to services or their families.

Is there something you really want to see downtown? There will be more chances to answer our pin board questions. Follow us @DowntownSac to see where we pop up next and to continue learning about our initiatives.