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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Downtown Sacramento Partnership?

The Downtown Sacramento Partnership is a private, non-profit property based improvement district (PBID) dedicated to the revitalization of the central business district. The property owner-funded district is led by a board of stakeholders, and provides safety, maintenance and business development services for property owners and businesses located within the 66-block zone.

What are the PBID boundaries?

Downtown Partnership’s 66-block district encompasses the area between the river and 16th Street and H to N streets.

What is a PBID?

A PBID is a Property Based Improvement District in which properties in a defined area elect to pay an assessment to fund specific service programs within a geographical area for a set period of time.

How is Downtown Sacramento Partnership funded?

Downtown Sacramento Partnership receives its support primarily from the PBID property assessment, which represents 53% of the total operating budget. The other 47% is funded through service contracts, special events, sponsorships and grants. Downtown Partnership manages an annual budget of $5.7 million. The management district encompasses 490 parcels totaling more than 7,283,289 million square feet of land and 25,274,842 million square feet of buildings. The PBID assessment district includes private and public property owners.

What are we doing to attract and retain businesses Downtown?

All of Downtown Sacramento Partnership’s programs and services are designed to support the economic vitality of Downtown. As a foundation, Downtown Partnership’s Clean & Safe team addresses the street level maintenance issues and nuisance activities that can have a negative impact on business operations and public perception. Downtown Partnership’s Clean & Safe Department patrols downtown streets seven days a week and takes an integrated approach with the Safe Streets team, Navigator homeless outreach team, and Clean Streets maintenance team.

Downtown Partnership works with property owners and brokers to support office and retail leasing by providing market research, and assistance with site selection. Downtown Partnership recruits and matches potential retailers within the urban core. Downtown Partnership’s Business Development Manager serves as a liaison for the business community and is available to help current and new businesses navigate their way through public processes, expedites approvals for city permits, and clarifies public agency requirements for permits.

Downtown Partnership also provides assistance with advocacy and market research, access to business resources and additional training, and produces cooperative marketing programs and PR campaigns for downtown stakeholders.

How do we improve public safety in the city’s core?

Downtown Sacramento Partnership’s Safe Streets team patrols downtown streets seven days a week. The Downtown Guides serve as concierges on the street providing directions, recommendations for nearby attractions, and visitor information. They assist with reporting criminal and nuisance activity and work with law enforcement to improve public safety downtown.

Downtown Partnership partners with the District Attorney’s office, Sacramento Police Department and Regional Transit to fund a dedicated downtown community prosecutor. This position addresses nuisance activity such as panhandling, public inebriation, graffiti and prosecutes offenders within the downtown core. This partnership helps deter repeat offenders, reduce calls for service on nuisance activity, and connect individuals with social services.

Downtown Partnership has also developed security collaboratives for high rise offices, hotels, and evening entertainment venues. This keeps downtown stakeholders connected and informed with timely information on security threats throughout the downtown district. The email alert system has assisted law enforcement with apprehending suspects connected with a series of thefts and other criminal activities. It also helps property managers and frontline staff be proactive in executing crime prevention tactics.

What are we doing to keep downtown streets clean?

Downtown Sacramento Partnership’s Clean Streets team works seven days a week to help keep downtown looking its best. The team responds to on-call maintenance issues, removes graffiti and litter, pressure washes alleys and sidewalks, and maintains alleys. DSP tracks activity internally and reports and escalates maintenance and nuisance issues to the City of Sacramento using the 311 system.

How can we impact changes in public policies?

Downtown Sacramento Partnership serves as the collective voice for downtown businesses, property owners, and residents to ensure a vibrant downtown. Downtown Partnership continually advocates for downtown’s business interests on key issues to reduce barriers to economic development and revitalization.

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